Long-term Planning for Water Reuse

Document Type : Full Length Article


1 Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Science

2 M.Sc. graduated, College of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,


As there is an intension to facilitate the population growth of the country and if it is assumed to achieve this goal, based on 100 million populations in the country within the coming decade the following analysis is done. Based on literature and data available, the water for overall development is about 2000 cubic meter per capita per year, so we need 200 billion m3/ year. But the yearly renewable water is around 120 billion m3, and consequently there will be a shortage of about 80 billion m3/ year for the development of the country. The sanitary sewage of this population is about 6 billion m3/ year which is about 7-8 percent of the shortage. But it is about 70 percent of water needed in municipal communities. So if the sanitary sewage is treated, it can be reused in communities and the problem of shortage can be coped. To achieve this goal we need a long term planning and investment in treatment of sanitary sewages. So the first phase of this plan is to run pilot plants to treat the effluent of sewage treatment plants at different levels for different reuse.


Main Subjects

- رازقی، ن.، منصوری، ر.، روحانی، پ. (1392). "استفاده دوباره آب (طرح و برنامه)"، شرکت نارون‌آرا.
2- U.S. EPA (2012). “Guidelines for Water Reuse”, EPA/600/R-12/618, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC.